Prof. Dr. Aly Abdul -Rahman Aly Soliman El-Sohby.
Professor of sculpture, Faculty of Education,
Current job
11 / 5 / l956,
Date and place of birth
1- PhD. in art Education (Sculpture),
2- M.A in Art Education (Sculpture),
3- B.A in Art Education,
Previous Experiences:
- Since (2005) Professor of` sculpture, Faculty of` Specific
Education, Ain Shams University .
- Since October 2005- March 2008) Head of art education department, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University.
- Since October 2005- March 2008) Head of art education department, Faculty of Specific Education, Ain Shams University.
- Since (l999) Assistant professor of Art Education (sculpture).
- Since (October l999 - February 2000) Head of Art Education.
Department, Faculty of Specific Education,Ain Shams
University .
Department, Faculty of Specific Education,
- Since (l99l -1999) Lecture of Art Education (Sculpture).
- Since (l990- l99l) Assistant lecture in Sculpture, Art Education
Department, Faculty of Specific Education,Ain Shams
University .
Department, Faculty of Specific Education,
- Since (1979-1990) Teacher of Art Education at the Ministry of
Main Exhibitions:
The International Eighth Salon of Portrait (6x 6 group), Ismailia,
during the period from 27/12/2012 until 15/1/2013(a guest of honour,
honouring and participating).
Middle East International Salon of Fine Arts- at Cairo Atelier- Displayed from 15-7-2012
until 21-7-2012.
3- A private Exhibition of Sculpture in “The Round" Hall at the Plastic Artists Syndicate - Gizira -
4- A Private Exhibition of Sculpture in "The Round" Hall at the Plastic Artists Syndicate - Gizira - Cairo - under the Title of ''Colored Sculptural Structures of Young girl" - Displayed from 14-1-2004 until 25-1 -2004.
5- The Annual Fifty - Forth Salon of Cairo Atelier - "Colored Sculpture" - Displayed from 5-5-2002 until 17-5-2002.
6- The Fifth Annual Salon of Small Art Work "Colored Sculpture" - Center of Akhenaton Galleries - Displayed from 12-1-2002 until 1-2-2002.
7- A Private Exhibition of Sculpture in "The Round" Hall At The Plastic Artists Syndicate - Gizira - Cairo - Under the Title of "Holes In The Colored Sculpture'' - Displayed from 10-6-2001- until 21-6-2001.
8- The Fifty Third Annual Salon of Cairo Atelier - "Colored Sculpture" - Displayed from 29-4-2001 until 19-5-2001.
9- The Third Annual Salon of Small Art Work - "Colored Sculpture" - Center Of Akhenaton Galleries - Displayed from 17-12- 1999 until 20-1-2000.
10- A Private Exhibition of Sculpture in "Mohamed Nagy" Hall at Cairo Atelier under the Title of "Serial and Colored Sculptural Structures'' - Displayed From 19 -10-l997 until 27- 10 - 1997.
11- A Private Exhibition of Sculpture in "The Small Hall" at Cairo Atelier Under The Title of "The Balance of the Visions in Closed And Opened Space in Colored Sculpture" - Displayed From 11-7-1996 Until 19-7-1996.
12 - A Private Exhibition of Sculpture in "Mohamed Nagy" Hall at Cairo Atelier under the Title of [ The Colors' Argument In The Three Dimensional Plastic' Egyptian Colored Birds"] - Displayed From 3-10-1993 Until 15-1-1993.
13- The Exhibition of Plastic Arts about "The Nile Is Our Past, Present And Future" For The Purpose of Celebrating "Wafaa E1 Nile" [The Nile Gratitude] in, "El-Nile Lobby" of Meridian - Displayed from 25-8-1993.
14- The Forty Third Annual Exhibition of the Plastic Art in the Exhibition Hall of Faculty of Art Education in 1992.
15- The Second Exhibition of "Youth Salon" at the Opera House in 1990.
16-The Twenty- Fourth (24th) Exhibition of the Society of Fine Arts' Lovers in 1984.
17 -The Twenty Second Exhibition of the Society of Fine Arts' Lovers in 1982.
18- The Twenty First Exhibition of the Society of Fine Arts' Lovers in 1981.
19- The Annual Exhibition Number (32) Of the Plastic Arts in 1980.
20- The Twentieth (20th) Exhibition of the Society of Fine Arts' Lovers in 1980.
21 - The Nineteenth (19th) Exhibition of the Society of Fine Arts' Lovers in 1979.
22- The Eighteenth (18th) Exhibition of the Society of Fine Arts' Lovers in 1978.
23- The Exhibition of (15th) of May for Plastic Arts in 1978.
24 - A Private Exhibition in the Faculty of Art Education in 1978.
24 - A Private Exhibition in the Faculty of Art Education in 1978.
25- The Seventeenth (17th) Exhibition of the Society of Fine Arts' Lovers
In 1977.
26- A Collective Exhibition at Helwan University in 1977.
27 - The Exhibition of the (15th) of May for Plastic Arts in 1977.
Theoretical Scientific Researches:
1- Entitled: "Role of the German Expressionism in The Modern Sculpture to Enrich the Educational Vision ".
Magazine of Research for art Education And Arts -Published by Faculty of Art Education - Helwan University - Volume 8 - No.8- July.
2- Entitled: "The Assemblage Art And Its Function In The Contemporary Sculpture To Enrich The Educational Visions".
Magazine of Science and Arts Research Studies - Helwan University - November 14 - No 1 January 2002.
3- Entitled: "The Trend of Abstract Expression and its Faculty In The Assemblage Arty in Modern Sculpture to Enrich The Educational Vision".
Magazine of Educational and Social Studies- Helwan University- January 1996.
4- Entitled: "Absorbing The Qualities of Abstract Vision of Nature In Modern Sculpture".
Conference About The Role of Faculties of Education In The Development of Society - Faculty of Education – El Mania University- From 17-5-1993 Until 18-5-1993.
5- Entitled: "Color in Children’s Sculpture"
Conference about the Role of Faculties of Education in the Development of Society - Faculty of Education- Elmina University –From 17-5-1993 until 18-5-1993.
Artistically Scientific Researches:
1- Entitled: "Sculptural drawings in the Space”.
in "The Round" hall At the plastic Artist syndicate - Gizira -
Cairo - Display from 15-7-2004 -until 22-7-2004.
in "The Round" hall At the plastic Artist syndicate - Gizira -
2- Entitled: "Colored Sculptural Structures of young girl Portrait".
in "The Round" Hall at the plastic Artist syndicate - Gizira -
Cairo - Display from 14-1-2004 - until 25-1-2004.
in "The Round" Hall at the plastic Artist syndicate - Gizira -
Cairo - Display from 14-1-2004 - until 25-1-2004.
3- Entitled: "Holes in The colored Sculpture"
in "The Round" Hall at The plastic Artists Syndicate - Gizira -
Cairo - Display From 10 - 6 - 2001 - until 21 - 6 - 2001.
in "The Round" Hall at The plastic Artists Syndicate - Gizira -
4- Entitled: "Serial and colored Sculpture Structures"
in "Mohamed Nagy" Hall atCairo Atelier - Cairo - Display from
19 -10- 1997 until 27 -10 - 1997.
in "Mohamed Nagy" Hall at
19 -10- 1997 until 27 -10 - 1997.
5- Entitled: "The Balance of the Visions in Closed and Opened Space in Colored Sculpture"
in "The Small Hall" AtCairo Atelier - Cairo -Display from
11- 7 - 1996 until 19 - 7 - 1996.
in "The Small Hall" At
11- 7 - 1996 until 19 - 7 - 1996.
6- Entitled: [ The Colores` Argument in the Three Dimensional Plastic ''Egyptian Colored Birds "].
in "Mohamed Nagy" Hall atCairo Atelier - Cairo - Display from
3 -10 -1993 until 15 -1 - 1993.
in "Mohamed Nagy" Hall at
3 -10 -1993 until 15 -1 - 1993.
Main Prizes:
1- Certificate of
appreciation and honouring as a guest of honour at the
International Eighth Portrait Salon (6x6 group), Ismailia, 2012.
2- Certificate of Appreciation and a bronze statue from Middle East International Salon of Fine Arts in 2012.
3- Certificate of Appreciation from the NationalCenter of Plastic Arts in the Second Salon of Youth Under 35 Years Old in 1993.
2- Certificate of Appreciation and a bronze statue from Middle East International Salon of Fine Arts in 2012.
3- Certificate of Appreciation from the National
4- First Position in the Sculpture Field at the Society of Fine Arts` Lovers in 1979.
5- Certificate of Excellence in the Exhibition of the (15th) of May in the Fields of Painting, Sculpture and Metals in 1978.
6- Certificate of Excellence in the Exhibition of the (15th) of May - in the Field Of Artistic Formation in 1977.
7- First Position in "The Arabic Hand Writing" At the Private Exhibition in Helwan University in 1977.
Membership of Syndicate and Associations:
- Member of Syndicate of Plastic Arts No.25 l 2/252/N.
- Member of Cairo Atelier No.602.
- Member of the Syndicate of the Educational Professions.
- Member in EL-ANSYA Society.
l- Museum of Modern Art - Cairo - "Colored Sculpture" - Bronze- ''Youth Dreams" - 2002.
2- Museum of Modern Art – Cairo - "Colored Sculpture" - Bronze -"Hole" - 2002.
3-Museum of Modern Art – Cairo - "Colored Sculpture" - Bronze -''After Eight" -2002.
4- Museum of Modern Art - Cairo- "Colored Sculpture"- Bronze -''Sympathy"-2002.
5- Museum Of Art Education Faculty - Helwan University- "Colored Sculpture" -Polyester "Goodbye"-2000.